Thursday, January 15, 2009

EDU 580 Yin's Ch. 3 Discussion Post

Describe the case study protocol and why a researcher would begin with a pilot case study.


  1. Dang it. I had my entire response typed and I got logged off of the internet. So here it is again.

    Dr. Hendrix,
    I applied for the IRB permission. The website said you will be getting a notice from them soon. So look for that!

    Chapter 3:
    Quote: "...the demands of a case study on your intellect, ego, and emotions, are far greater than those of any other research method." Pg. 68
    Fact: Good questioning is needed for the case study to be beneficial and complete.
    Question: During quetioning time with a research participant can you add questions as you go to the questions you prepared if you think it will benefit the study?

    Case Study Protocal is the way things are done. It is what increases the reliabilty of the research.
    The pilot case helps a researcher refine their data collection. A researcher needs to be direct and be sure to document every little thing they do during the pliot case.

  2. Annie,

    Good points here! Documentation is so important in any kind of research. Also, your questions make a difference in how in-depth your study will be, so you really want to think about those carefully too. I just received the e-mail from IRB, and I responded as well. You are hopping through the right hoops here.

    Take care,
    Dr. Hendrix

  3. I went to post and everything i typed was wiped out! Have to pick up students will try again later.

  4. Julie,

    I have had that problem too--especially if I do not log in first. Copy it before you hit post, so at least, you will have it later.

    Take care,
    Dr. Hendrix

  5. Class,

    Do not forget about Journal 1. Click on my photo here at the top to get to the Journal Prompts and the WIKI for your group to work in for those. Work together through attachments with each other, and then when you are finished, post it in the WIKI there for your group. It was due on the 27th, but since no one asked about it until now, I will extend the due date to next Tues. If that will not work for your group members, please let me know.

    Take care,
    Dr. Hendrix

  6. Quote - "Case study research is among the hardest types of research to do because of the absence of routine procedures." I chose this quote because my original thoughts were that a case study was going to be fairly easy research to conduct. As I learn about the protocols and the variables involved with data collection I have come to the understanding that this will require a lot of effort. However, I believe with some guidance I will find some answers.

    Fact - "When multiple investigators or team members participate in the same case study, all need to learn to be"senior" investigators". All members need to feel as they are part of the team and that their input is important.

    Question - If I only have 2-3 students in my case study, what do I do if one moves? Do I need to start over with a new student or can I continue with the 1 or 2 left?

    I believe teachers would be fairly good at conducting a case study because we are analyzing student behavior every day and must make changes based on that behavior. Sometimes we have to step back and start all over. We must learn to ask questions and to listen to our students and their needs.

  7. Dr. Hendrix, Thanks for the tip!! When do we meet in person?

  8. The case study protocol is the way things are to be done in the case study. It also inceeases the reliability of the research because procedures are "mapped out" ahead of time. It enables a researcher to nail down the details of what to do and exactly how to do it.
    Quote: " As a general matter, a case study protocol should have the following sections:
    - an overview of the case study project
    - field procedures
    - case study questions
    - a guide for the case study report
    Fact: The questions in a case study should be different types or levels (see pg. 87).

    Question: It said the purpose of the questions was to keep the investigator on track, and should be accompanied by a list of likely sources of evidence. In figure 3.3 on pg. 82 I see one actual question that sounds like one to be asked in an interview situation, and then like guides or prompts below that. So it looks like you have some specific questions to ask, as well as prompts to aid in additional information collection--is that correct?

    Anyway- a pilot case study helps you to refine your plans and procedures prior to doing your actual case study so you can problem solve before hand and avoid mistakes.
    We are actually doing a case study--not just proposing one right?
    Do we have time for a pilot too???Do we have time for a pilot too???

  9. Julie,

    We can meet whenever you would like to do so. I am available on TR afternoons and evenings, and I am available on Mon. and Wed. afternoons too.

    Just let me know when you would like to see me,
    Dr. Hendrix

  10. Laurel,

    Depending on when you plan to finish, yes, I think you have the time for a pilot study. You may even count this semester as the pilot, and keep going with the study next fall and/or spring too. That's why I wanted your class to start data collection now. The more you have the better off you will be in the end. You have to follow the steps though. You did the IRB now, so you are beginning your research process.

    Also, you will list prompts for questions in your question section too. You want to get them talking and keep them talking--in an open-ended sense. That will help with your data.

    Keep going,
    Dr. Hendrix

  11. I think of a pilot as a trial run or a rough draft. First you think of all the steps what you will do, how you will collect your data, how you will analyze your data, and what you will do with the results. Give it a good go and then refine and document as you go, this is your pilot. Then you fix it up, sort of like editing. Basically, fine tuning your case study. I would think this would help with the reliability process, if you're already thinking what needs to be redone or rewritten to make it better then it will be easier for someone else to duplicate later given similar circumstances. I agree with Laurel, I'm not sure on how we are supposed to get all of this accomplished by May? Does this have to be part of our final project? Can we choose to not use it later? I'm worried that we won't have enough time to get this as good as we would like it in order for it to be part of our final project. And if not then how would we improve it later, it seems like a one shot deal because we would never have these kids at the same time, same level, etc in order to ask more questions or get more information later. And we can't even start until IRB approves everything correct? I think we should have a meeting soon just to focus on IRB and our case studies. Dr. Hendrix will you be on campus tonight?

  12. The case study protocol is like printing out mapquest directions before going on a trip. These give you the turn-by-turn directions in exact details. The protocol is your step-by-step plan for conducting your case study. You don’t want to start out on a trip knowing your destination, but really just guessing on how to get there.

    The pilot case study is a trial run. It’s like a flight simulator. You wouldn’t send a fighter pilot into combat without first going through a combat simulation on base. The key is to treat it like it is the REAL THING. The pilot case study will hopefully bring to your attention potential problems. You either have to figure out a way to fix them or approach your case study in a new way.

    If any of these analogies work for later journals, I have dibs. J

    Quote: “...the most imperative step before proceeding with your case study is to seek out the IRB at your institution, follow its guidance, and obtain its approval.”

    Guess I better get moving.

    Interesting Fact pg 92-93: The pilot case study can be so important that you might actually spend more time and energy on this phase of the research than on the data collection of the actual cases. The pilot case study should follow your field procedures that you plan to use for your actual case; it shouldn’t be something that is conducted informally.

    Question: I am planning to do my actual research project on the writing of my own students. How will I conduct a pilot case study? It doesn’t get any more convenient and accessible than that. Or should my room BE my pilot and should my actual research expand into someone else’s classroom? (I REALLY don’t want to do that!)
    How are we ever going to have time to do all of this before school is out?

  13. Kristin,

    It was good to see the gang tonight! I hope I answered your questions and helped some before your first journal. If you need to meet in person, just let me know, and I will be there.


    No worries! Do as much as you can this semester. Remember, you will continue this work in the summer too. You can use this semester as a pilot study, and then keep collecting data in the summer or fall too. Research is never ending! You will present what you have so far with your case study. You will tell me what you think the implications and findings are as of now. Your literature review should be in-depth at the end though, and the rest of the set up/sections in the case study should be clear and detailed too. After the pilot study, you may want to make some changes though. That's okay. You will document those and explain your rationale if you do that. You do not have to go into other's classes, but remember the problems with generalizability. You want to address those. I do not want you to get through all of the classes and have to start from scratch. The pieces of each class should build together until the end, so you have a good base for your Capstone Project. I like your images here!

    Keep going!!! You are doing well!!

  14. Kristin,

    Look at my comment to Jill here. I think I answered your questions tonight in person, but let me know if I did not. If you want me to review your IRB, please let me know. I am happy to do that with you. You will have data by the end of the semester, and you may not have your findings and implications done yet. That is okay. Speculate on those at that point and tell me what you will do in the summer to work on those. Research is or can be on-going and never ending really! No worries about that! You are following the correct protocol. You are worrying about the right concerns! You are asking the right questions.

    Keep working hard,
    Dr. Hendrix

  15. Ch. 3 Discussion Post
    Describe the case study protocol and why a researcher would begin with a pilot case study.

    Okay, whoa! The first part of chapter 3 starts out describing me, many people believe that a case study is "easy." And then, Yin goes into detail about why it is in fact, harder, because it is not so "routinized" as many other methods. Of course, it makes perfect sense, especially when you think about the validity and reliability issues that case studies face.
    Following "Protocol", along with the four other preparation skills, is a very effective way to deal with the issue of reliability in a case study. It can be tricky because there is no "set" protocol in the case study method. That is why in a case study the researcher must be constantly questioning,re-evaluating, and sifting through relevant and non-relevant information. The "protocol" must be more than a questionnaire or instrument. It contains the procedures and general rules to be followed; it is directed at a different party than the questionnaire; finally it is essential in a multiple-case study.
    A "Protocol" should contain: an overview of the case study project( objectives, issues, and relevant readings), field procedures(credentials, access to case study "sites" or surces, and procudural reminders), case study questions(the specific questions that the investigator will be asking and "table shells" for entering data); and a guide for the case study report(outline, format for the data, and bibliographical information.
    A pilot study is a good way to get ideas for your protocol of the actual study because it allows you to try different approaches and different angles on a trial basis. It also helps to define more relevant lines of questioning and conceptual clarification. (A great idea in my opinion.)

    Quote-"In a case study, you must therefore learn to integrate real-world events with the needs of the data collection plan."
    Fact-A proper overview of the case study should communicate the case study's purpose and setting. This is to help prove that the case study worthwhile. (A concern of mine!)
    Question-Are we sort of doing a a pilot case study in this class? Or am I way off?

  16. Erin,

    Yes, this semester you can do a pilot and keep building on your data and study as you progress through the semesters here. Good points here!!
    Do not forget about your IRB and informed consents.

    Keep reading!

  17. Ok everyone, I'm finally back. I am not making excuses but I have had some pretty major personal and health issues going on the past few weeks but things seem to be calming down so I am hoping to be caught up this week. You never can plan where life will take you!

    Fact: A good case study investigator must be able to:
    ask good questions
    be a good listener
    be adaptive and flexible
    have a firm grasp of the issues being studied
    be unbiased by preconceived notions

    How does one know if they will be a good case study researcher? I thought it was interesting that the author talks about how we must be honest when assessing our capabilities.

    Quote:"...the pilot case is more formative, assisting you to develop relevant lines of questions - possibly even providing some conceptual clarification for the research design as well." Ok - it makes sense to me that in more "involved" case studies you would want to do a pilot study. But I am wondering if it is necessary for us (me) to do a pilot because I am actually going to be working in my own classroom with my own students. At this point I am not planning to conduct the case study part of my project in any other classroom. What do you think Dr. Hendrix. Is a pilot necessary for us?
    Question:Ok, I have read everything everyone else has asked and I don't think this has been answered. After reading this chapter I am assuming that we will need to have a formal protocol developed that will outline our plans for our case study? Is this basically what we are filling out for our IRB or is this a different document? I know that we have more than this semester to do this project but I am freaking out about all there is to be done. IRB approval, protocol, literature reviews, informed consent, interview development, actually conducting the case study, analyzing the results, the list goes on and on. Am I the only one who is so overwhelmed? And on top of that we still have our original research topic. I know you said research is overwhelming Dr. Hendrix, but I don't think we had any idea!! :)


  18. The case study protocol is really the rules and guidelines you follow when conducting a case study. By following a protocol you increase the reliability of the case study. The protocol of a case study has five major sections:
    1. The introduction to the case study and purpose of protocol
    2. Data collection procedures
    3. Outline of case study report
    4. Case study questions
    5. Evaluation
    Each of these sections help to strengthen the case study. Another way to strengthen your case study is to do a pilot study. A pilot study helps refine your data collection plans. In other words, it helps you to recognize any clarifications or research design adjustments that will need to be made.

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