Friday, January 8, 2010

Journal 3 Posts

Please post Journal 3 here.


  1. A Research Destination
    by Tanya Dalrymple and Christina Hartman

    When planning the perfect family vacation, there is a process that can be followed to ensure a happy time for all. First, a family must decide on a purpose for the trip and identify the major interests. Do they want to go site-seeing, play on a beach, view a historical landmark, or visit family and friends?
    If a family chooses to go to a place like Washington, D.C., and tour the famous monuments and museums, it would be a good idea to plan ahead and organize an agenda in order to make the most of the vacation experience. When first organizing a vacation, a good idea would be to research the area via internet, books, and travel brochures. Information to research may include local hotel prices and proximity to main attractions, costs for viewing monuments and museums, and local shops.
    Once the information has been gathered, outlining the information on a map or framework would be beneficial to the success of the trip. To make better use of this framework of trip details, one should prioritize the information. For example, use the internet to map out a variety of locations to visit like restaurants, shops, and parks.
    Before leaving on vacation, a family must tie up loose ends such as having plane tickets purchased and ready, packing clothes and toiletries, taking care of home security, and boarding pets. Once these components are in check, a family is better prepared to enjoy an exemplary vacation.
    Planning the perfect family vacation is comparable to writing an exemplary literature review. Creswell’s identifies five steps to conducting a literature review. First, one must identify key terms to use in the search for literature. This helps to establish a purpose for the research and narrows the topic into a few key terms. Creswell suggests five strategies to use when identifying key terms. First, select two to three keywords in the title that capture the main idea of the study. Second, pose a short, general research question that best summarizes the principal direction of the study. Third, use words that the author utilizes in the literature. Fourth, use a database to find journal articles that match your topic. Lastly, look over the table of contents of education journals from the past decade and look for key terms in titles to the articles.
    The second step in reviewing literature involves the researcher in locating the literature. Examples of literature resources include electronic literature, professional journal articles, peer-reviewed articles, books, handbooks, statistical indexes, reviews and synthesis, and abstract series. Creswell encourages researchers to use mostly primary resources because they present the literature in the original state and present the viewpoint of the original author.

  2. The third step in reviewing literature is to critically evaluate and select the literature. When reading information, the first question to ask yourself is, “Is it a good, accurate source?” Creswell suggests guidelines that are helpful to making a careful selection of the literature. First, rely as much as possible on peer-reviewed journal articles. Second, set priorities for the resources you consult. Creswell says to “start with referenced journal articles then proceed to non-referenced journal articles, then books, then conference papers, dissertations, and theses; and finally non-reviewed articles posted to Web sites.” (p. 104). Thirdly, ask, “Is it relevant?”
    The fourth step in conducting a review of literature is to organize the literature by photocopying, downloading, and filing the information by sources, topics and keywords. The researcher must take good notes and abstract studies. Then, construct a literature map to see overlaps in information.
    The last step in the literature review process is writing the review. Creswell describes two aspects to consider when writing a literature review. First, use an appropriate style to write complete references. Creswell recommends using a writing style manual to provide structure for citing references, labeling headings, and constructing tables and figures. Second, use specific writing strategies related to the extent of the review.
    A perfect family vacation, as well as a review of literature, involves a great deal of planning, research, and organization. If enough time and energy is spent in the process, one is sure to reap the benefits of an exemplary experience.

  3. Chocolate: A Case Study
    By: Corey, Barb, and Dana

    If Forest Gump was doing a case study, he would say, “Case studies are like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re going to get.” The process of case study research resembles the experience of indulging in a fine box of chocolates. Presentation is very important in both and as each is unwrapped, satisfaction, as well as disappointment, can be revealed.
    The process of conducting a literature review is to define key terms, locate the literature, evaluate the literature, organize the literature into themes, and write the review highlighting the rationale for the study. Much like the chocolate map, which can be found in the inside covering of a box of rich chocolates, researchers must define key terms for their audience. Researchers must identify and define the exact jargon used in their study. The chocolate map directs the chocolate connoisseur to an understanding of the contents of each chocolate morsel. As can be seen, a chocolate map guides the consumer like defining key terms guides the researcher and the audience.
    The next part of conducting a literature review is to locate the literature while being as thorough as possible. This provides a rich saturation of the literature concerning the topic. Reviewing the literature involves conducting a comprehensive search of several databases and search engines using key words and quotations. This is similar to locating favorable chocolates in the rectangular-shaped box. A researcher must find articles that support and contradict their research theory. Initially, chocolate lovers, like research enthusiasts, choose the most appealing chocolates to their personal taste. As hunger and desire still exist, the less desirable pieces are chosen, much like early stage literature that researchers may choose to include in their case study. As the researcher combs through available written work, it is possible that a hole, or lack of information, may be exposed. This offers two options, it is exciting that the research may fill the hole, but it can also be intimidating because there will be a lack of existing literature to support your proposition. As the box is searched for a favorite sweet, the consumer may be disappointed to find it absent. This disappointment can offer an opportunity to expand and try a new and stimulating taste experience. The connection is clear between locating literature and chocolates.
    Critical evaluation of the literature is an essential component of the literature review process. Researchers identify the pros and cons of the work of others along with finding supporting and rival arguments for the topic. While reviewing the literature two major characteristics should be kept in mind. The source of the literature should be accurate and from a peer reviewed publication. Ensuring relevance is a critical piece of evaluating literature. This is much like “mining” the chocolate with a finger poke. This evaluation process is common among chocolate eaters. Critical evaluation also comes with the first bite. Relevancy is immediately revealed through the taste buds.

  4. Chocolate; continued.
    The organization of literature by themes can be accomplished through scanning, photocopying, filing, and constructing a visual picture or map of the literature. After collecting the documents found to be relevant to the topic, researchers then must find a method of organizing which may include a file folder system, computer file system, or author index. Articles and documents may be reorganized as the literature review progresses. Using an annotated bibliography is a way of organizing and taking notes concurrently. Note taking consists of addressing the question, method of data collection, and the results of the study. In a similar fashion, one peruses the chocolate box for his or her favorite. Shape and color are clues to the flavors of the chocolate. Round chocolates indicate a creamy flavored center. Rectangular shapes are usually caramel, nugget, or toffee filled. The themes or flavors of the chocolate are obvious. Just as researchers organize literature differently, chocolate manufacturers organize their product in an efficient manner for their company. Some companies use brown paper cups to organize their chocolates, others use plastic trays. This gives the consumer the opportunity to quickly find the chocolate of their choice. There are similarities between organizing literature and chocolates.
    Researchers write reviews of their literature in order to highlight the rationale, theme, critiques, and holes in the literature. This in turn demonstrates the significance of the research. Two types of literature reviews can be conducted and include thematic reviews and study-by-study reviews. Thematic reviews identify themes and briefly cite literature to support the given theme. Study-by-study reviews include detailed summaries of each study grouped into broad themes. Researchers determine which type to choose by the type of study being utilized and the program in which they are enrolled. It is necessary to establish any deficiencies within the field of study and to explain the relevance of the study. When chocolates are shared, others are enlightened to the extraordinary flavors found within the box. Chocolates are highlighted through expressing to others about their qualities such as richness, creaminess, decadence, and sweet messiness. When highlighting your rationale or your chocolates, summary of themes are created which justify the choices. Future exploration of the research topic or chocolate choices can be determined through this review.
    Exemplary case studies go beyond the case study protocol and dignify researchers as esteemed members of the field. The case study must be significant, complete, consider alternative perspectives, display sufficient evidence, and be composed in an engaging manner.

  5. Chocolate; continued.
    Exemplary case studies have general public interest and address issues of national importance. Much like this, exemplary chocolate maintains high demand and popularity. Completion of a case study is determined when boundaries of a case study are set, relevant evidence is collected exhaustively, and the case study is conducted in a timely manner. Exemplary chocolate must also meet high standards and be completed in a quality controlled environment. This exemplary status is achieved in order to keep the respected name of the company and its reputation with the consumer. Researchers represent rival perspectives through differentiating cultural views or alternate theories. Chocolate enthusiasts also have varying opinions on different brands of chocolate. Competition between these rivals encourages an exemplary product. Sufficient evidence is required so that the audience can reach an unbiased judgment regarding the study. Sampling the chocolates allows the consumer to form their own judgment about the product. Engaging the reader involves writing in a clear, concise and seductive manner. This includes knowing your audience and inspiring them to read the entire case study report. This is just like how a person becomes enticed to eat the chocolate. Elegant packaging and luscious aromas entice the consumer to indulge in the entire package of chocolate goodness.
    As can be seen, Forest Gump was right. Case studies are like a box of chocolates. They can be presented in an appealing manner, but what they contain depends on the creator.

  6. Journal 3
    Literature Reviews
    March 13, 2010

    Literature Review Joins Forces with Exercise Shoe Selection

    Key Terms: The following terms will be used in the following illustration of a young lady’s pursuit of the perfect pair of exercise shoes.

    Avid: urgently eager, characterized by enthusiasm and vigorous pursuit
    Runner: one that runs
    Run: an act or the action of running: continued rapid movement
    Cyclist: one who rides a cycle
    Cycle: bicycle
    Shoes: an outer covering for a human foot typically having a thick or stiff sole with an
    attached heel and an upper part of lighter material
    Running Shoe: lots of shock resistance in heels, arch support, low cut, lightweight,
    perfect for forward motion.
    Duathlon: three part run with two different exercises (1.5 mile run, 7.5 mile bike ride,
    1.5 mile run)

    According to Creswell and Yin a good literature review includes a list of terms along with their definitions. This is done so that those who are viewing this review can understand all of the terms used. As a researcher it is important to inform the reader how you will use the key terms within the review.
    It’s an early Saturday morning when an avid runner and cyclist enters the doors of East Hills Mall. She has been given strict orders to locate and purchase the perfect pair of shoes to wear in the upcoming Duathlon. As it is important for the researcher to locate literature by visiting numerous databases and searching online, it is important for the avid runner and cyclist to do the same when shopping for a pair of shoes. This is done by demonstrating that you have reviewed and have gained a deep understanding of the literature. For the past few weeks this avid runner and cyclist has visited many internet resources and talked to many runners and cyclists to learn what the “perfect shoe” would be for her Duathlon. She has even tried on several pairs of shoes and compared different brands of running shoes in the areas of price, comfort and durability. After her extensive review, her focus is directed towards Lady Footlocker.

  7. Like the avid runner and cyclist, the researcher must attempt to locate works that are peer-reviewed and to set up and appointment to meat with a reference or research librarian to help in the search. Once literature has been identified a researcher must evaluate with a critical eye. What are the pros and cons of the work that has already been done? Does this literature support your quest or is their a gap which you could fill with ideas and research? It is extremely important to find literature that supports both sides of your argument.
    The time has come to enter Lady Footlocker and for focus to be channeled towards the running shoe section of the store. There are many choices of shoes which line the wall. There are many colors, brands and flashy shoes which are prospects for her to purchase. What has the literature and research she has done told her, to focus shopping for the shoe that #1 fits the budget, #2 is comfortable and #3 lightweight.
    According to Creswell a researcher must categorize (Research, Pros, Cons and Theoretical) literature found into specific themes. The researcher must keep in mind the themes within their research and topic as well as similarities and differences and what will the categorizing add to their research? Will there be uniqueness?
    She has now focused her attention to the shoes that fit the previously mentioned criteria. Once the shoes have been identified, she begins to evaluate and sort them according to price, comfort and if they are lightweight or not. Those shoes that do not meet those criteria are immediately placed back on onto the wall. After much contemplation, she is able to select the “perfect shoe”. At this point this runner/cyclist is not able to write a review of her most recent purchase. Please look forward to her review following her race on April 3rd.
    Researchers must write a review which highlights the rationale for the study, the themes identified within the literature, the critique of the research already completed, and any holes on the topic which have been identified on this topic and to demonstrate the significance of your research. A summary must be prepared for each theme as well as a justification of the importance of your research. Finally, the literature review must have an annotated bibliography.
    Literature reviews are significant in research because if done completely and diligently, your research will prove to be convincing to those who may read and consider learning more about your topic. Without the literature review your research appears to lack thought, planning and that the issue is important to be studied.

  8. Dear Chocolate Case Study Researchers,

    I truly appreciated this! The thought of combining chocolate with a case study was very creative! You really grabbed my attention and maintained my attention through your entire piece. Now where is my chocolate?

  9. Tanya and Christina, I like your comparison between planning a vacation and a lit review. I hope my lit review turns out better than a few of my ill-planned vacations! As I delve into my review of literature, I am beginning to appreciate the importance of conducting a thorough review. Just as there are almost too many great places to visit on a vacation, there is also too much literature out there. Once again, our old friend Creswell is proving to be a great "tour guide" through the lit review jungle. I'm beginning to like him a little. I think he and I are going to be close friends by the time this project is finished.

  10. Ann...I have bought shoes I have hated before, maybe I should of read the research!!!! I think I am ready for a vacation and some chocolate!

  11. Ann,
    I just bought a pair of new shoes yesterday and they are already killing my feet. I hope my research "fits" me better and doesn't actually cause me too much pain! Oh well, no pain, no gain, right?!?
    I enjoyed your journal and the added touch with the vocabulary at the beginning.

  12. I posted a combined journal 3/4 with the journal 4 posts. :)
